Thursday, November 21, 2013

Crazy 'Bout Ribbins & Hosiery Too

From a 1919 ribbon craft catalogue found in my school's library.


(I would be extremely surprised if any of these mills still existed. I imagine they must have provided at least some economic support to those small towns.)

And some other textile mills and machinery that have gone the way of the small-town American ribbon factory (from this book):

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

All Bundled Up

This week's drawing!

Because the cold weather has now descended upon us, I've taken to the refuge of my overly large cozy granny sweaters, so this drawing is in that spirit.

And this week's inspiration -  today I borrowed a lovely little library book about 18th and 19th century wallpapers published by the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. The wallpapers are from the Réveillon Royal Manufactory and their successors, the Jacquemart & Bernard Manufactory.

(Trend forecast: Wallpaper is coming straight back - from 1781.)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

After Maira Kalman

This week I thought I'd share images of my collection of small boxes and tins collected from here and there. The title of this post refers to a passage in this book (I highly recommend any work by Maira Kalman that you can find).