Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Episode 1: The Cheese and Onions With Broadbeans Magic Podcast

It's-a me! Your favorite goat-loving silly-nilly radio host!

 I always wanted my own radio show so I decided to just make one. I used to make paper zines but now I'm going to try a sound zine... so these are a few  I  a few silly things I made up over the last couple of years.

In this inaugural episode, Uncle Volodya reads from a list of his favorite kid jokes, a Trinidadian man gets lost in New York City, donut sadness, stand-up comedy in Manitoba and the cutest song ever sung.

Enjoy (and subscribe to this blog if you do... there'll be more to come!)

Listen over heeeeere...

P.S Also, don't worry or get your undies in a twist if it takes a little while to load, it's a half-hour long show and I have to yet to figure out how to compress files and all that other mind-boggling stuff.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stroll Down Main Street

Here's a series of drawings I did a little while ago of an imaginary place called Friendlytown. The idea was to make a travel brochure of sorts, showing you the daily life of some of the inhabitants and some of the main attractions. Friendlytown isn't the most thrilling place, but it certainly is pleasant.

It never got very far but I still like the idea of inventing your own town and populating it with your own characters (maybe I have a future career as a soap opera screenwriter).

Here are the intial sketches.

The guy at the poetry slam is supposed to look like Art Garfunkel, as I had a bit of a Garfunkel obsession at the time I was drawing these.

Oh Artie! (swoon)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Summer Bits

 This sunflower I bought at the NDG Farmer's market loved me.

I made these jam tarts with some jam I made. 

This is where most things in my life happen (the important stuff anyway).

        I started painting this picture 6 months ago, and it's just been sitting in my desk since then.  All it needed was a little ink to bring out the weird and make it congeal. Someone how it reminds me of freaky Japanese cartoons.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

LIFE is good

Some collages made by Caissey, Shawn, Glenn, Trevor, Aimee and myself during a birthday collage party. Nothing goes together like cutting up old magazines with scissors while getting tipsy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Calligraphy Jam

Also, here's a little something I'm putting together for the fall and winter season. I'm looking forward to getting a few things made and meeting with other like-minded folk. Come on out if you're in the neighbourhood.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Slick Stix Pix

A recent somewhat frightening collage, a recent beaming sketchbook drawing and a drawing made with new giant Crayola twisty crayons.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What I've been doing for the past 3 months

Inspired by elementary school teachers with coffee breath and bad aim with the lipstick tube

Monday, February 28, 2011

Modern Rainbow Action Theater #2 now available!

I just printed up a batch of the second installment of my littlest collage zine MODERN RAINBOW ACTION THEATER!
Here's a snapshot of the front cover:

I used a lot more pictures this time instead of just words. Makes for great bathroom reading! Contact me if you want to receive one by mail for a mere 2 dollars! Or just ask me the next time we run into each other.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fabric Love

Over these past few winter months I've really fallen in love with needlework. There's nothing better than sitting with friends, drinking tea and creating something with your hands. I bought some embroidery material a couple of months ago and I embroidered this little gal over Christmas (I started with a pattern but I decided to subvert it). She's hanging on my bedroom wall now.

A while back, I made a stencil based on the cake lantern that I made last summer in St.John's, and I screen-printed them onto some fabric that I bought a street sale (I used the same fabric to embroidery Senorita Cheese). Here are two versions:

I sewed mine onto a canvas bag and then promptly lost it... but I've heard rumours as to its whereabouts...
If you want to buy a cake patch from me, I'm sellng them for 3 bucks each. Send me a message at if you want to have your cake and wear it too!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eat Yer Viddy-Ohs

Here's another video of me performing an original song (Riddle Song # 2) at the Mile End Guitar Shop on January 15th, at our hugely enjoyable "Old Time for a New Year" shindig.

Thanks again to Mike for doing the video and sound, it turned out swell!

Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Here's a video of me playing a show as part of Lew Dite's U-Strummit series where he films a local musician playing in a small café in N.D.G and posts it on YouTube.

It was a lovely time with many sweet people and sweet pastries and infinite cups of tea.

There are two parts but I'll only post the second part. I start that part with the Irish ballad "The Green Fields of Canada".
You can go and check out more U-Strummit videos on YouPube, all the folkys are there.

Hope you enjoy der Musik.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Celebrate good times, come on.


Here's a video from last weekend's show that I put on with my buddies The Bogghoppers and our lovely friends at the Mile End Guitar Shop. Thanks to Mike Kennedy for shooting the video and doing the sound. Everything went off perfectly, and everyone had a fantastic time.
I was hoping it would kind of help everyone through another long dark winter night, and I think it ended up doing just that.

Enjoy the video and check out more of the Bogghoppers' stuff on their mySpace.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Aid

It's been so long since I've posted that I think my blog can be declared legally dead. So this is my way of rubbing the proverbial defibrillator paddles together and getting this thing up and running again. Well, maybe not running... maybe more like up and limping painfully along while holding on to the railing.

I'm thinking of bringing a little more focus to this blog and make it a kind of a project in itself, instead of it being a place where I talk about my various projects and provide further public examples of my scatter-brainedness (see blog title).

List of things I could do with this blog
  • Make one list a week
  • Post one sketchbook drawing a week
  • Post one weird found photo per week
  • Post one word collage per week
  • All of the above
Thus concludes my precursor to a real post... like an electronic hors d'oeuvre.
Like a piece of melted Camembert Électrique...