Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sew Nice

I've done the following things since the last post: started knitting a scarf, screenprinted a pink cake onto some tote bags I am making, and made up a bunch of silly songs of Garage Band. I also made my first music video! By myself, in my room! Neither the song or the video was meant to be seen by eyes other than my own, but what the heck. I have nothing to hide.

You can see more of myvideos on My Youtube Channel. There are definitely some more animations in the works for the next little while. Once I finish the silkscreened bags, and the scarf, and the record, and the zine, and the oh my gawd how many more things can I possibly start. I am having fun, though, making up stupid crap. I hope you have fun with my stupid crap too!

I also made a sort of serious song that I'm quite happy with - it sounds pretty good for something I did in one afternoon on GarageBand with no mics and the computer's drum machine. I wrote the song in the brief time I lived in Mile-End, it was easy to just go walking in the neighbourhood and get your head in the clouds for a while.

Here are some pictures of animals that I took in Newfoundland.

The puppy's name is Julian. The girl's name is Cara.

This is Bobs. He has giant balls (not pictured).

Have a ballserific day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Machine Love

I have to admit: I'm swooning. I feel like we were meant to be together. Our destinies are now interwined, each of us giving and taking, through joy, sorrow and laughter. I don't know how I managed to live without it in my life.

Yes, I really do feel that "Debbie", my MacBook laptop, has given my
life new meaning. I always saw myself as something of a Luddite, someone who staunchly resisted the onslaught of new technology. I secretly laughed at those who fell prey to the newest, fanciest gadgets. I refused to stop using a Walkman until the last possible second. I rolled my eyes at people who lined up in front of Future Shop for 8 hours to get the new I-Gadget... until this beautiful machine came and showed me how very, very wrong I had been all along. However, I will draw the line at joining Facebook.

That being said, I'm going to try and give this blog a new focus using all the fancy tools that I now have at my disposal; mainly posting more stuff from my sketchbook, and more pictures of finished works.

I've almost the Golden Girls that I started so many months ago; it started out as a personality quiz but I turned into a Mad-Lib instead. I'm having issues with the paper size and haven't gotten it printed yet, but I will soon. (Thanks "Debbie"!)

My rendition of Rue McLanahan (aka Blanche the slutty one)

I reprinted an expanded and improved version of my word-collage zine Modern Rainbow Action Theater!, which you can purchase from me at the bargain-basement price of 1 $.

On the music side of things, I played at the Marche Fermier Mile-End on Thursday, under a gray, rainy sky. You should check them out if you're in the neighbourhood, it's great to be able to put a face to the person who makes your food. And they're always very nice, friendly faces.

I'll be at Grumpy's this Monday night, September 13th, for the zillionth edition of Chick Pickin' Mondays. Dat's it dat's all for now, see you in the funny pages!