You can see more of myvideos on My Youtube Channel. There are definitely some more animations in the works for the next little while. Once I finish the silkscreened bags, and the scarf, and the record, and the zine, and the oh my gawd how many more things can I possibly start. I am having fun, though, making up stupid crap. I hope you have fun with my stupid crap too!

I also made a sort of serious song that I'm quite happy with - it sounds pretty good for something I did in one afternoon on GarageBand with no mics and the computer's drum machine. I wrote the song in the brief time I lived in Mile-End, it was easy to just go walking in the neighbourhood and get your head in the clouds for a while.
Here are some pictures of animals that I took in Newfoundland.
The puppy's name is Julian. The girl's name is Cara.
This is Bobs. He has giant balls (not pictured).
Have a ballserific day!
I just felt the groove in my buttocks....and now kind of regret it.