Some images from the small yet incredibly amazing haul from my visit to a church basement bazaar this morning in Petite-Patrie:
I now have more doily books than one person should own.
I couldn't not buy a macramé instruction book with a title like this...
...and then I looked inside and saw these.
Some of the advertisements in these "ladies' craft journals" are downright odd.
Yum yum, lard icing! Thanks Loretta!
This one was in the classifieds of a 1962 issue of 'Workbasket'. There was an episode of Wiretap about mail-order monkeys on CBC recently - it seems they are not as sweet and docile as the one depicted in this advertisement. (Thank goodness the monkey comes with instructions.)
I also picked up an assortment of cassette tapes purely for their aesthetic flair and because cheeseball country music is awesome:
One more button!
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